One of the best sources to keep on top of trends is Twitter. 

I’ve talked to a lot of people and businesses who don’t understand the value of Twitter. Why would any one want to put random information out into the “ether”? How can anyone communicate in 140 characters? 

Sure, some people post things like “I’m having my morning coffee”, but I have used Twitter to connect and learn from  people and businesses that have turned strangers into alliances. I have “tweeted” to send out kudos, tips, and information. I have used it to educate others and most importantly, I’ve learned a lot from other people.

I often follow people on Twitter that I think have something really interesting to say. I let other people know about them by recommending them to others.

Following certain popular trends (found down the right hand column of the Twitter page), I have learned about things before the mainstream media has even released information. 

Did you know that when the plane landed in the Hudson River, people were uploading images and tweets even before the media had arrived? Twitter is instant communication and it’s viral. 

Regular people now have a voice. We can crowdsource (problem-solve as a group), we can voice our concerns directly to companies and we can connect (virtually) to make a difference.

If you own a business, I would recommend you begin to follow and connect with like-minded businesses. I encourage you to create strategic relationships. And even more importantly, connect with your clients. Find out what they like, and what they don’t like. Listen to their feedback and engage in a dialogue with them. Let them know they are important to you and your business.

If you can, create brand ambassadors. Reward  people who love your products and want to share it with the world. Give them special treatment such as previews and exclusive offers.  

Social Media is “word-of-mouth” on steroids. If you keep people happy or if you tick them off, they *will* talk about it.

What kind of messages do YOU want said about your business?

About Leslie Hughes

Leslie Hughes is a LinkedIn Optimization Specialist, Professor of Social Media, Corporate Trainer, Principal of PUNCH!media and author of “CREATE. CONNECT. CONVERT” Leslie was called a "Social Media Guru" by CBC Radio and was featured on CTV’s “The Social” discussing how to manage your digital identity. Leslie has been working in digital marketing since 1997 and founded PUNCH!media in 2009. PUNCH!media clients include Investment Planning Counsel, Guardian Life Insurance Company of America and TVO. PUNCH!media's goal is to empower through education and help executives gain confidence in their online presence so you convert higher-paying clients.