How to Find Your Dream Client on LinkedIn
Finding your dream client on LinkedIn requires a strategic approach which includes searching and filtering through the platform’s extensive database.
Here’s how to effectively use LinkedIn’s features to locate and connect with your target audience:
1. Define Your Dream Client
Before you start searching, clarify who you’re looking for. Create a detailed client avatar that includes:
- Industry: What industries are they in?
- Job Title: What roles do they typically hold?
- Company Size: Do they work for startups, mid-sized companies, or large enterprises?
- Location: Are you targeting local clients or global markets?
2. Use LinkedIn’s Advanced Search Filters
Leverage LinkedIn’s powerful search capabilities to narrow down your results:
Step #1: Basic Search: Type relevant keywords into the search bar, such as job titles, industries, or skills.
In this example you’re looking for someone with the title “CEO”.
(Advanced: You could use Boolean Search with advanced commands such as:
"Marketing Manager" AND "Digital Strategy"
(Both terms)"Sales OR Business Development"
(Either term)"Graphic Design" NOT "Agency"
(Exclude results)
Step #2: All Filters
After you click “Enter” for the original keyword search, click on the “All Filters” area listed at the top right.
You can now filter people down via various categories such as
- Locations
- Industry
- Other keywords
Top Tips:
Personalize Your Outreach: Start with 2nd-degree connections for easier introductions. Is there a mutual connection you have in common?
Be human whenever possible. With the basic (unpaid) LinkedIn account, you only have 5 personalized connections requests per month.
It may be worth investing in a premium level if you’re making a lot of new connections. The personalized connection is the most important part!
NEVER pitch from your first message. Think of it as a virtual handshake – “Nice to meet you.”.
Another approach: Conduct a Company Search
If your dream client works at a specific company:
- Search for the company and explore its employee list.
- Use filters to find decision-makers or relevant contacts within that organization.
LinkedIn limits the number of searches you’re allowed and only 5 personalized connection requests makes it tricky.
I’d love to hear how you navigate around these constraints/restrictions!