AI and Technology: A chat with Dr. Jimmy Godard

The financial services industry is ripe for disruption. AI and technology will be revolutionizing the way that financial professionals will work in and on their businesses. While there are potential benefits for advisors and bankers, there are also risks associated with compliance and data management. Professionals in the industry must stay adaptable and proactive in…

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Sharing status updates on LinkedIn is a great way to build your thought leadership; which is very important because each time someone sees your posts, they begin to see you as the “go-to” expert who can help them solve their problems. Forrester Research says it takes a minimum of 11.4 touchpoints to build brand resonance.…

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Since the very first moment I began training professionals about how to optimize their presence using Social Media, I’ve been asked: “How do I deal with someone who says something bad about me or about my company?” This fear of “putting yourself out there” due to the potential of online criticism is so very common.…

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